Friday, 30 June 2017

Why is Reading the Most Popular in Bangalore?

 “To acquire the habit of reading is to construct for yourself a refuge from almost all the miseries of life.” — W. Somerset Maugham

Reading is an acquired habit. We start young and almost immediately we assume books to be the learning object. As we grow, we find out it is much more than that. Reading is not necessarily an academically related activity. It serves many different purposes and sometimes a fun one too. Gone are the days where book worms and book nerds were considered the introverts of the society. They are also the most regular people and Bangalore has embraced them in a more welcoming way compared to others.
We all know Bangalore for its lively night life, with the young and vibrant spending their evenings in a club, dancing to loud music. But now parties have a new trend, ever heard of Bring Your Own Book (BYOB) Party? Yes, a meetup club in Bangalore invites people for interesting conversations about any book that everyone would love and see what others are reading.
Also, a recent trend of emerging book cafes suggests that Bangalorian’s prefer a coffee break with a book by their side to take their mind off stress. Nevertheless, a book is a perfect companion and a pleasure to escaping reality and getting immersed in a different world
Although digitally enormous variety of content is available at any time of day, and the material is available in a number of formats and through a range of digitally connected devices an Internet and Technology Research Centre, surveys have proved that when people reach for a book, it is much more likely to be a traditional print book than a digital product. This trend has remained unchanged from the year 2012.
Read a book because it’s basically one of the most enjoyable things you could ever do. And has absolutely no limits to the places one can travel. Sapna Book House has a wide collection of over 5, 50,000 books. You can get lost in the mini book world in here. Pick a book and make it your favorite today at Sapna book house.

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