There is a famous quote which says "Reading is to the
mind is what exercise is to the body". The human mind is made of muscle
and one need to constantly exercise that muscle for it to stay healthy and
fresh. One is never too old to begin
reading as it keeps the mind ticking as well as it sharpens the intellect.
The digital era has the world wide web and the television to amuse one's mind,
however for that deeper, insightful experience books are a great source.
Importance of reading
Reading requires a lot of mental agility and focus. Unlike
watching television or listening to music, reading makes you think, ponder and you
are completely involved in it. In this process, you begin to question, to
reason and you make use of your grey cells. These grey cells sharpen your mind
and make you smarter and wiser. Reading stimulates the mind muscles. When you
remember dates, numbers, plots, facts it is an indication of your memory at
Reading strategies
One can practice these few tips to fine tune the art of
Read a text as if it's your own experience and
as if you have lived it in your life
Question the main idea of the text and find
solutions as you understand the importance
of reading
Reflect on the text and see if it matches traits
of your personality and character
Different genres,
different experiences
Science says that reading different genres of books can improve the right side or the
creative side of the brain. A genre may fall into the fiction and nonfiction
category. Classics fall in the traditional category of literary fiction whereas
drama is used to build conflict and emotion. Fantasy invokes otherworldly charm
whereas horror invokes a feeling of trepidation and anxiety. A biography can
inspire you whereas a self help book can help you rediscover yourself.
The genre that you
pick, is bound to create new experiences for you. There can be possibilities of
books transforming you into wiser and better human beings.
All genres under one roof
Sapna Book House, is a book lovers den. With over 13000+ books in different languages and across various genres. 13+ retail stores with 50 years of existence, Sapna Book House is an ideal stop for you and your kids.